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Hofmeier_FYP:libcomm File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
guicommon.h [code]
guirobot.cRobot-Side application with GUI (simulator) to control the robot
guiserver.cServer/User-Side Application with GUI to control the robot
interface.cImplementation of an example interface to a simple robot with two independent axies
libcomm.cMain part of libcomm
libcomm.h [code]Definitions for libcomm
md5.cImplementation of the MD5 algorithm by Ron Rivest, code Colin Plumb (public domain)
md5.h [code]Definitions for the Implementation of the MD5 algorithm by Ron Rivest, code Colin Plumb (public domain)
test001interface.cTestprogram for the interface to the robot
test001sockets.cThis program tests the low-level tcp-socket-stream library function
test002guiprototyp.cPrototype to explore the programming of gtk (graphical interface)
test002integer.cThis program tests the size and the organisation of an integer on the local machine, with the local compiler
test003block.cThis program tests the low-level block transfer and authentication functions

Generated on Mon Apr 25 10:53:25 2005 for Hofmeier_FYP:libcomm by doxygen1.2.15