Functions |
void | gr_delete_event (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) |
| This function will be called be gtk when the window gets a closing command, it makes sure that the interface is down and the program is finished. More...
void | gr_da_expose_event (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) |
| This function is called by gtk if the drawing area (da) needs to be redrawn. More...
void | gr_button_press_event (GtkWidget *widget, gpointer data) |
| This function is called if a button is pressed. More...
| gr_block_call_do_test (int fd, int id, unsigned int type, char *buf, unsigned int size, int term) |
| Function which is called from block_call() if a message/datablock has received. More...
| linemonitor_exception (char *server, int port, int type) |
| Exception function for the linemonitor(), print exception code and its meaning on the screen and take further action if necessary. More...
| gr_block_call_term_test (int fd, int id) |
| Function which ist called from block_call() if a the connection terminates: shut down system. More...
| gr_socket_accept_do (int fd, int id, char *pip, struct sockaddr_in their_addr, int term) |
| Function which is called from socket_accept() if someone has connected. More...
int | main (int argc, char *argv[]) |
| test0001sockts: see test0001sockts.c. More...
Variables |
GtkWidget * | gr_application |
GtkWidget * | da_global |
int | robot_x = 50 |
int | robot_y = 0 |
int | soft_msec |
int | hard_msec |
int | wait_msec |
int | shut_down |
int | serverport |