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DMA -- very much faster harddisk access

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Switching on and off DMA

DMA stands for Direct Memory Access. This means that some components of the computer are able to copy data to the memory (RAM) directly. Normally this is done through the CPU. When it is done through the CPU, the CPU is busy coping data. So there is less capacity for applications, which are running much slower. Additionally: It takes much longer to transfer data through the CPU, because it has to be loaded into the CPU and than from the CPU to the memory. DMA does it directly. It mainly used on Harddrives, Soundcards, Video, Network Cards, etc.

DMA for Harddrive

Test, if it is on:

hdparm -d /dev/hda

It says either using_dma = 1 (on) or using_dma = 0 (off)

You can switch it on by

hdparm -d1 /dev/hda

and off by

hdparm -d0 /dev/hda

Unfortunately, this configuration becomes lost after reboot.

Boot-Script: Switching DMA permanently on

However, this little script (attachment) turns it on permanently

How it works:

      1 #!/bin/bash

      2 if [ "$(hdparm -d /dev/hda | tail -n1 | grep on)" != "" ]; then
      3   echo DMA already enabled ...
      4   exit 0
      5 fi

      6 if [ -e /etc/init.d/enabledma ]; then
      7   echo "Already installed: /etc/init.d/enabledma"
      8   exit 0
      9 fi

     10 cat <<EOF > /etc/init.d/enabledma
     11 #!/bin/bash

     12 echo "Enabling DMA for /dev/hda..."
     13 hdparm -d1 /dev/hda
     14 EOF

     15 if ! [ -e /etc/init.d/enabledma ]; then
     16   echo "Installation failed"
     17   exit 0
     18 fi

     19 chmod a+rx /etc/init.d/enabledma

     20 for i in 2 3 4 5; do
     21   if [ -e /etc/init.d/rc$i.d ]; then
     22     ln -s /etc/init.d/enabledma /etc/init.d/rc$i.d/K00enabledma
     23   fi
     24   if [ -e /etc/rc$i.d ]; then
     25     ln -s /etc/init.d/enabledma /etc/rc$i.d/K00enabledma
     26   fi
     27 done

     28 /etc/init.d/enabledma

     29 echo "Installation completed."

Redirecting outputs to another Program as Parameter

Line 2: Test if DMA is already enabled, exit if yes. Execute hdparm -d. Get the last line of its output: tail -n1. And grep it for on. If on if in this line, grep writes this line out. "$(command)" executes command and puts all outputs of command insteat of $() into the line.


andreas@Whitey:/tmp > date
Tue Nov  7 00:42:45 EAT 2006
andreas@Whitey:/tmp > $(date)
bash: Tue: command not found
andreas@Whitey:/tmp > echo command parameter $(date)
command parameter Tue Nov 7 00:43:14 EAT 2006


if [ a != b ]; then

executes c if there a and b are NOT equal. If DMA enabled, a line comes out of the $()-command, what is not equal "" => exit.

Line 6: Tests if file /etc/init.d/enabledma exits. If it does, exit.

Line 10: cat <<EOF > file writes all what is typed in into file. Until EOF is typed in. In this case, lines 11, 12, and 13 are written into /etc/init.d/enabledma. Note, that there is an empty line between 11 and 12 which is written to the file too.

Line 15: Like line 6 but tests if file do not exists. If file /etc/init.d/enabledma does not exits right after if was written, it is assumed that the installation failed. Exit.


Line 19: The script, which was written in line 10 is now set to readable and executable for all users.

chmod XYZ file

X: u: the user who owns the file
    g: other users in the file's group,
    o: other users not in the file's group
    a: all users
Y: +: set right
    -: remove right
Z: r: readable
    w: writable
    x: executable (in case of directories: browsable)

loop: for

Line 20: Loop:

for i in 1 2 3; do a; b; done

executes a and b N times. N is the number of parameter between the in and the ;. In this case three times. Additionally: The environment variable $i is set to each parameter one after the other.


andreas@Whitey:/tmp > for i in 2 3 4 5; do echo $i; done

Example 2: Rename all files in the actual directory from filename for filename.txt:

for i in *; do echo mv $i ${i}.txt; done

Remove echo to execute the mv-command in real. The ${i} means the same as $i but it is possible to write something right after it.

In this case the loop is used to go through all runlevels in which the dma should be enabled: 2 3 4 5.

Runlevel: Where to put the Script

E.g. every script in the directory /etc/init.d/rc3.d (or /etc/rc3.d, depends on the distribution) is executed when the system starts in runlevel 3.

# Runlevel 0 is halt.
# Runlevel 1 is single-user.
# Runlevels 2-5 are multi-user. (5 is for X -- graphical user interface, I think)
# Runlevel 6 is reboot.

in line 21 it is tested if directory /etc/init.d/rc$i.d exists. If yes, a symbolic links is set from the dma-script /etc/init.d/enabledma, written in line 10, is set to /etc/init.d/rc$i.d/K00enabledma. So we hope it is executed during the next startup. Note: Because of the loop, the command is executed for the runlevels 2 3 4 5. These numbers are put into the commandline instead of the $i.

The files in these startup-directory are executed in there alphabetical order. K00 should be executed right in the beginning. S99 at the end. If you want to put you script into the startup-sequence, do this:

  • put your script into /etc/init.d/script
  • make it executable
  • link it into the runlevel, where you want it to be executed:
  • e.g.: ln /etc/init.d/script /etc/init.d/rc5.d/S99script

Line 24 and 25 does the same for the other possibility of the startup-directory.

Line 28 executes the dma-ebable-script and enables dma for now.

Andreas B.M. Hofmeier

Pages by Andreas B. M. Hofmeier
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(c) Andreas B. M. Hofmeier
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Germany License