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set window size / geometry from a script
I am using my Laptop with dual-head. The challange is to move the
windows on the external screen to the internal one if the laptop
is used without the external monitor.
xprop do not work in my case:
andreas@LBlacky:~ > xprop -set WM_SIZE_HINTS.Geometry 640x480+10+10
xprop: error: unsupported conversion for WM_SIZE_HINTS.Geometry
so I searched and found wmctrl which works perfect. I wrote the
following little script:
# This script sets the windows geometry off all windows which name conatins $1 to
# geometry $2. Notice the format of $2: x,y,w,h
# x,y is the position of the top left corner of the window, and w,h is the
# width and height of the window, with the exception that the value of
# -1 in any position is interpreted to mean that the current geometry
# value should not be modified.
# GPL, (c) Andreas Hofmeier
wmctrl -l | grep -i $1 | while true; do
read LINE
if [ "$LINE" == "" ]; then
## WMNAMW=${LINE:22}
## wmctrl -r "$WMNAMW" -e 0,$2
wmctrl -i -r $(echo $LINE | awk '{print $1}') -e 0,$2
# $0 kontact 1299,70,700,520
# $0 firefox 0,0,1272,1000
Last modified: Fri Jan 9 17:33:54 CET 2009